Latest version of ENVIS application for instrument and data management.


ENVIS Software Suite

ENVIS software is a framework for evaluation and supervision of power quality monitoring and energy efficiency data records. It retrieves, stores and serves the measured information from supported instruments and analysers. ENVIS is a basic tool for configuration, management and data acquisition for our instruments. The software also provides on-line presentation of the actual device status and allows for simple and comfortable visualization and analysis of the archived historical data.

Key Audience

  • Data acquisition and storage in binary files or SQL server
  • Live visualization of actual data.
  • Analysis of historical records
  • Evaluation of power quality
  • Analysis of energy efficiency
  • Instrument setup and management
  • Simple manual or automated reporting

ENVIS application

ENVIS is the key SCADA and data analysis tool for administration and evaluation of the archived data – this program visualizes trends, exports/imports and archives data, generates custom reports etc. ENVIS version 1.9 supports all recent instruments with communication or memory options such as: power factor controllers NOVAR, built-in power meters and analysers SML, SMY, SMC, SMP, portable analysers SIMON and PQ analyzers ARTIQ.


Daq (Data Acquisition) is intended for primary instrument handling. Daq provides features for remote device configuration/programming, archive acquisition (download records) and saves it to various formats. This tool can be run as a standalone Windows application or initiated directly from ENVIS application. Meters can be managed over a broad range of communication lines such as RS485, USB, Ethernet, WiFi or GPRS.


ENVIS.Online is a system service for standalone data retrieval. As such it needs no human interaction to perform pre-configured periodical tasks. It supports memory-less panel instruments as well as various 3-rd party electricity meters and smart meters, NOVAR power factor controllers and also the built-in analyzers.

ENVIS.Online can download data periodically, check the status of instrument, generate reports automatically and distribute various preset alarms vie e-mail, SNMP, SMS or directly to desktop.

Command line tools

E_GET, E_SET and other command line applications are simple tools for customization of tasks in bigger systems.